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Clavijo and PP know that Aldama’s company was not given preferential treatment in the Canary Islands


There is no question of the administrative file being available to anyone who wishes to consult through the Canary Islands Autonomous Community’s transparency portal. The government of Ángel Víctor Torres (2019-2023) did not benefit the corporation Soluciones de Gestión. that the businessman Ángel de Aldama was the commission agent; It is now a target of criticism against socialist regimes in general.. At the recommendation of Cordo García, then an advisor to the Minister of Transport, José Luis Ábalos, we reviewed all the controls in place to obtain masks from the company and came to exactly the opposite conclusion. In other words, Management Solutions suffered the following damage. Inadequate payment management by the Canary Islands government. Specifically, it took 13 months to collect the total amount owed, and it was only through the threat of an appeal to the Court of Justice that payments were initiated.

As well as being available to journalists and the public, the files are kept in their offices by the President of the Canary Islands Government, Fernando Clavijo of the Canary Federation, and Manuel, the Vice President of the Canary Islands Government. Dominguez, leader of the Regional People’s Party. Both parties know that the action of the current Minister of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory Ángel Víctor Torres was to give precise instructions to pay the invoice that must be paid at the latest when the government receives the goods. There is.

This is a WhatsApp message from Ángel Víctor Torres to Cordo García in July 2020, which a ministerial aide forwarded specifically to Víctor de Aldama, who serves the PP. and specific media This is to involve the former president of the Canary Islands. In it, Mr. Torres confirmed that his direction to pay the pending invoices to Management Solutions was successful, nullifying the government’s chances of being sued in court, where it is likely to lose. Afterward, he said, “I can sleep well today.” In addition to the implications of this, it damaged the reputation of the Ministry of Transport and facilitated the purchase of medical supplies not only for the governments of the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands, but also for all port authorities in Spain, including the two ports in the Canary Islands. . . At the time, no one doubted that Victor de Aldama, a ministerial aide and mediator, was allegedly acting above the law.

Documents on file at SCS show that no payment was made to Management Solutions prior to verifying the quality and reliability of the masks provided through consultation with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s National Center for Protective Measures. We are confirming that.

For this reason, when Canary Islands President Fernando Clavijo is asked about the issue, he says that there is another case unrelated to the Cordo case going on in court. He did it in the newspaper a few days ago worldin response to a question about “the accusations of Cordo and Aldama regarding Ángel Víctor Torres,” Clavijo replied: “Four million euros have disappeared in the Canary Islands, and there are also millions of euros without goods.” This is also a judicial issue.The case has nothing to do with Cordo García or Victor de Aldama, but two former SCS directors and several businessmen and commission agents are being investigated. In the aftermath of the Cordo incident in the Canary Islands, not only did the money not disappear, but the masks were supplied and met the criteria to be paid. This is stated in a document in possession of Clavijo.

Meanwhile, the Canary Islands People’s Party recently launched a campaign calling for Torres’ resignation for 10 reasons, including the immigration crisis (Unresolved due to PP blockade) and because it “opened the door to Coldo’s conspiracy and proved that he was involved in these shenanigans beyond what was warranted.” This was read out at the PP’s press conference by Carlos Sánchez, a member of the State Council of Las Palmas, a regular member of the Canary Islands Court of Inquiry, where he is being investigated (and has never been convicted) for corruption crimes. (No), was convicted in the election campaign. In 2023, he will pay a debt of 100,000 euros to the company for breach of sales contract.

Timeline and facts

But let’s look at the facts that led the Canary Islands Union and the PP to demand the head of Minister Torres.

It all started on April 21, 2020, one month after the state of alert was declared due to the coronavirus pandemic. On that day, Soluciones de Gestión representative Íñigo Rotaetxe emailed the Canary Islands Health Service (SCS), led by Antonio Olivera, to use other systems to provide 5 million FFP2 type masks. I told them that it was possible. We are planning to ship to the archipelago. By that time, Cordo Garcia had already started contacting many government agencies, offering its services to supply large quantities of medical supplies, which were in great demand at the time.

One day later, on April 22, 2020, the Canary Islands Health Service placed an initial order for 2,750,000 units after previously delivered documentation confirmed that the material met the required standards. First shipments will arrive on April 22, 23, and 28, 2020. The substance was received and analyzed by the Occupational Risk Prevention Service of the Canary Islands Health Service. Everything seemed fine.

Therefore, a second order was placed on May 4, 2020, this time for 2 million FFP2 masks. It will arrive on May 12th, 14th, and 25th, so it won’t take long to arrive. By that point, the debt with this supplier was close to 11 million euros.

However, the order for payment of EUR 4,775,500.00 for part of the material will be made on 5 June 2020, specifically if the Canary Islands Health Service has already determined that it is appropriate by that time. Of the initial order, 1,910,200 units were paid.

On July 22, 2020, SCS Files included a communication to supplier companies stating that remaining material must be sent to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s National Center for Protective Measures to safely determine its quality and category. I have been informed that there is. . The company provided information on the delivered masks the next day, stating that there was a delay in notification of the issues identified in the delivered materials and that the 50% payment was not made as required by the duly concluded contract. responded by voicing complaints about instruction.

It was around this time that Mr. Cordo García wrote to Mr. Ángel Víctor Torres to express his concern that the Canary Islands government was not disbursing funds to the company he had introduced. It was on July 30th that the President of the Canary Islands responded that instructions had already been given and payments would be made immediately.

On August 11, 2020, a second round of payments will be made for masks validated in a second order by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s National Center for Protective Measures, specifically the QILI and DREY models.

Nine days later, on August 20, the remaining materials for the initial order (837,800 units) will be sent to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s National Center for Protective Measures. I received a response 4 days later stating that these masks were not FFP2 class, but of KN95, or equivalent quality to FFP1.

Therefore, SCS has decided to evaluate the unsuitable masks (837,800 pieces) as surgical masks at the market price at the time of material delivery (707,518.50 euros) and complete the order until the amount reaches 2,094,500 euros. Accepted the proposal. 555,000 FFP2 NR Mask (value 1,387,500.00 euro). At the time, the consumption of both surgical and FFP2 masks was 510,828 per week, according to the Ministry of Health.

However, this agreement only reflects a payment order of 3 December 2020 for a total amount of EUR 707,518.50. The contract is for masks that correspond to the first order from April, with 50% of the price to be paid in advance and the remaining half to be paid when the product arrives. However, SCS’ enthusiasm ensured that payment was commensurate with the quality of the product received.

In November 2020, specifically on the 20th, the company succeeded in recovering the transportation and freight costs incurred in transporting all cargo purchased by SCS to the Canary Islands. The total amount is 447,061.74 euros.

However, the May 4, 2020 order will not be paid until June 4, 2021, or 13 months later. These are 555,000 FFP2 masks with a value of 1,387,500 euros.

Same lawyer as Aldama and Clavijo

Victor de Aldama is the only person who has so far mentioned Angel Victor Torres in court. he did it, without presenting any evidenceappeared before Judge Ismael Moreno in the National Court of Justice, which automatically lifted a prison order on a separate hydrocarbons fraud corruption case that has sent several of his colleagues to prison.

This statement was agreed with the Public Prosecutor’s Office by the Commission’s lawyer, who is a former judge of the National Court. Jose Antonio ChocranHe is well known in the Canary Islands for his work defending figures such as Fernando Clavijo, the current President of the Autonomous Community.

Mr. Chokran decided that two of the corruption cases being investigated in the courts of La Laguna, where Mr. Clavijo was the mayor, would be transferred to the Supreme Court after the current president of the Canary Islands took office. Successful. He qualifies by being appointed to the Senate of the Autonomous Communities through a quota belonging to his political party, the Canary Union.

Two cases, Crane and Dissent, were kept by the Supreme Court’s Second Bench, but they were not without controversy. In the first instance, the High Court I completely ignored the personal accusations posted.there wasn’t even an answer. Second, he ignored the public prosecutor’s office’s request for the person under investigation to testify.

Aldama’s involvement of Ángel Víctor Torres in the Cordo case was a very good thing for Fernando Clavijo. Because this way he saved himself the trouble of inventing conspiracies that didn’t exist. Mr. Clavijo, who has just taken office after the scandal broke, has asked the Canary Islands Health Authority for the full file on mask purchases and, let’s not forget, to what extent can he point to his predecessor, who has already won twice? judged. By that time, the first mask scandal had already broken out, with other companies and businessmen being investigated for taking payment without providing orders. Files owned by Clavijo Although they did not disclose any wrongdoing from their predecessors, That is why the Canary Coalition’s attack on Torres was initially limited to the riots of a few fanatical local councillors.

But in the wake of Aldama’s accusations, Clavijo and his regional partner, the PP, are at least making an argument for political responsibility. They know that the penalties – at least for now – have no basis.


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